What Would Happen if Fluorine Was Added to an Environment of Green Algae

Facts about algae in surface water

Image of a poster showing cartoon algae enjoying the sunshine


What are the risks associated with bluish-green algae in Alberta?

Where did this concern about bluish-green algae come from?

Blue-light-green algae (cyanobacteria) produce toxins that are harmful to humans, livestock, pets, and wildlife, causing disease and, in rare cases, death. Blooms oftentimes produce a distinct taste and odour, and are a nuisance and health adventure for many ranchers, boaters, swimmers, and other surface water users.

Given the disturbance algal blooms cause to water bodies, they are sometimes mistaken for an invasive species. Though blooms occur naturally they can take negative consequences on aquatic ecosystems, which are heightened as blooms become larger and get more frequent.

When the mass of algae eventually dies, it decomposes, using up valuable dissolved oxygen and disrupting other natural processes. When dissolved oxygen is too low, fish and aquatic organisms may struggle to survive.

Managing algal blooms is important for the entire aquatic ecosystem and for country based water users including livestock, wildlife, and humans. While problematic for water quality, algal blooms (including those due to blue-light-green algae) are a natural miracle in Alberta that is often accelerated past human induced factors.

What is the scientific discipline behind blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms?

Blue-green algae occur naturally in surface waters and in that location are more than 100 species in Alberta, ranging in size and shape.

When optimum surface water conditions are reached, the organism can reproduce apace forming a "blossom." Atmospheric condition that promote growth include warm temperatures, sunshine, slow-moving h2o, and high levels of nutrients.

Not surprisingly, the almost common time for algal blooms in Alberta is July to September when air temperatures are high, the sun is shining, and water levels are low.

While these conditions occur naturally during the summer, regardless of human interaction with the surface water, information technology is the unnatural loading of phosphorus into lakes that accelerates algal growth.

Algal blooms have been linked to human presence e'er since phosphorus addition to surface waters was identified equally a primal contributor to excessive algal growth. Phosphorus is an essential chemical element for plant growth, and while information technology is found naturally in decaying organic matter, rocks, and soils, it is also a common ingredient (and is present in much greater concentrations) in fertilizer and household cleaning products.

Runoff from urban and agricultural areas transports phosphorus from fields and soils to rivers and ponds, septic fields contribute effluent to shallow groundwater, and wastewater treatment plants in urban areas release treated wastewater into rivers.

Nitrogen is another primal nutrient establish in wastewater and fertilizers and, once in the aquatic environment, farther boosts the growth of aquatic plants including bluish-greenish algae.

What is being done about blue-green algae?

Blue-greenish algae are a natural part of the Bow River Basin ecosystem. Management goals are not focused on eradicating blooms completely, but rather limiting the excessive growth of unnatural blooms caused primarily by high phosphorus loading to h2o bodies from man activities.

In the Bow River Bowl, about 21% of phosphorous in the Bow River comes from point sources such as wastewater treatment plants, while non-point sources similar stormwater runoff, irrigation, and stream bank erosion business relationship for about 78% during open water season. Point sources can be more straightforward to manage than non-point sources, considering it is easier to locate the source of loading, but this would only accost a pocket-size role of the problem. Runoff and non-betoken sources typically involve far more people across a much greater spatial and temporal calibration, but collectively these sources contribute the near phosphorus loading. Conversations nearly how to reduce phosphorus loading to rivers, and consequently reduce algal blooms, must include each of the many stakeholders to find a collective solution.

To manage phosphorus loading to surface waters, Alberta Environment released an acting policy on effluent limits in 2008. Following this policy, Alberta Sustainable Resource Evolution brought together a diverse grouping of stakeholders to address phosphorus loadings in the Bow River, from bespeak and non-point sources throughout the bowl. Government and non-government representatives, both urban and rural, came together to develop the Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan released in 2014. The plan defines the issues and proposes strategies and actions for managing phosphorus in the Bow River. Through its implementation, this plan will create a model for other areas suffering from excessive phosphorus and troublesome algal blooms.

Additional measures taken by the Authorities of Canada include limits on phosphorus in laundry detergents, which accept been in identify for decades, also as a 2011 ban on the use of phosphates (the problematic course of phosphorus) in dishwasher detergents. These measures help reduce phosphorus loading from municipal wastewater effluent point sources. Reduction of phosphorus in wastewater effluent, a betoken source in the river, is an ongoing area of enquiry, and best practices go along to be updated and implemented whenever possible. Nonetheless, non-point sources such as urban and agronomical runoff remain high in both phosphorus and nitrogen and continue to exist major contributors to algal blooms beyond the state.

Short term chemical control of algae is prohibited and creates additional problems for natural lakes, so it is well accepted that longer term regional solutions to reduce food loadings to surface h2o will be cardinal for managing algal blooms.

To minimize the risk to human health from direct exposure, Alberta Health Services posts active blue-light-green algae advisories online in addition to signage around lakes known to feel or be experiencing elevated levels of algal blooms. This helps protect lakeside visitors from potential exposure to the algae and their associated health impacts.

What can I do about blueish-light-green algae?

Limiting nutrients entering the h2o helps reduce the possibility of blue-green algae blooms. Reducing fertilizer use and using holding tanks instead of septic fields well-nigh lakes are some means to minimize contributions to surface waters.

Choosing cleaning products with lower phosphorus levels and avoiding the utilise of fertilizers on your lawn volition also reduce the nutrient runoff to streams and rivers.

Best management practices for agronomics and ranching operations are bachelor through Alberta Agronomics, such as grassed waterways and buffer strips to manage nutrient loading to ponds and dugouts.

When bluish-green algae advisories are in event, it is best to avoid all contact with the bloom. Wading and swimming in areas of a water body with blue-greenish algae could cause skin and eye irritation. Alberta Health Services recommends not eating fish from the lake or feeding it to pets.

Drinking or cooking with water from the lake is non recommended, especially since boiling the water will not remove toxins produced by blue-green algae. If contact with a bloom occurs, showering with clean h2o every bit before long every bit possible can reduce furnishings of skin exposure.

Sources and additional information

Alberta Environment and Parks. (n.d.). Cyanobacterial Blooms and Toxicity. http://aep.alberta.ca/water/programs-and-services/surface-water-quality-program/documents/CyanobacterialBloomsToxicity.pdf

Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development. (2014). Bow River Phosphorus Management Programme. Retrieved from http://esrd.alberta.ca/focus/cumulative-effects/cumulative-effects-management/management-frameworks/documents/BowRiverPhosphorusPlan-Jun06-2014.pdf

Alberta Health Services. (n.d.). Frequently asked questions: Blue-greenish Algae (Cyanobacteria). Retrieved from http://www.museumsassociation.org/virtually/frequently-asked-questions

Canada moves to cut phosphates to fight algae problem. (2008). Retrieved June 22, 2017, from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/canada-moves-to-cutting-phosphates-to-fight-algae-problem-1.744071

Detergent change makes for dingy dishes. (2011). Retrieved June 22, 2017, Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/detergent-alter-makes-for-dingy-dishes-1.1015028

Elger, S. (2015). Blue-Green Algae (Blue-green alga) in Surface Water Sources for Agricultural Usage. Retrieved from: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/wqe15283/$file/bluish-greenish-algae.pdf?OpenElement

Koning, C. West., Camm, Due east., & Kerr, J. (2017). H2o Quality and Phosphorus. Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan.

Do you feel mis-Atomic number 82 past your water?

Facts about pb in tap water

Poster showing cartoon water pipes with the words do you feel mislead by your water?


There might be atomic number 82 in tap h2o, exposing consumers to serious health risks.

Where does the concern most atomic number 82 in tap water come from?

Recent major incidents accept fatigued attention to the presence of pb in drinking water. For example, in 2016, an Edmonton adult female suffered health furnishings from elevated atomic number 82 in drinking water coming from the tap of her 70-year-sometime dwelling house. In 2014 in Flint, Michigan the switch to a corrosive water source acquired widespread leaching of lead into the drinking water.

The upshot of lead in Alberta drinking h2o arises from the utilise of lead prior to the 1960s in service connections from h2o mains to individual houses and housing complexes with up to eight units. When h2o flows through pipes that contain lead, this heavy metallic tin dissolve, or leach, into the h2o.

The presence of lead in drinking h2o is a business considering lead is a neurotoxin, meaning information technology can affect brain evolution in humans, especially fetuses, infants and immature children. Pb can also negatively bear upon cardiovascular, kidney, and reproductive systems even at very low concentrations. Since it has no taste, color, or odour, information technology is possible for individuals to unknowingly consume lead in drinking water. This, combined with lack of information on the edifice materials used in a home may consequence in concerns.

What is the science behind lead leaching into tap water?

Pb dissolves from pipe materials, including joints and solder, due a chemic reaction between the h2o flowing through the pipes and the pipage itself. Once h2o leaves a treatment institute it may run into lead in:

  • Older distribution mains and utility-endemic or private service lines, and
  • Service connections from pipage jointing compounds, soldered joints, and brass fixtures.

Several factors tin can besides increase the likelihood of lead leaching into tap water, such as:

  • The condition of the pipes and fittings containing lead, particularly how corroded they may exist,
  • Whether lead-containing solder is used in connections between new copper and old lead pipes,
  • The amount of lead in pipes or connections,
  • Whether pipes have protective coatings or natural scaling,
  • The residence time of water in pipes that comprise lead, and
  • The temperature and chemistry of the h2o, including its acerbity and its mineral content; i.e., whether it is soft or hard water.

In the 1950s and 60s, new plumbing installations started to use unlike materials, such as copper and plastic, rather than lead. All the same, stories of lead poisoning from drinking municipal tap water proceed to appear in the news as the transition remains incomplete and some older homes and neighbourhoods still have lead pipes.

The use of pb for water service lines was permitted by the National Plumbing Code of Canada until 1975, while lead solder was permitted until 1986. Solder containing pb for drinking water supplies was prohibited under this code after 1990.

What is existence washed almost lead in tap water?

Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal governments work together to mitigate the risks associated with atomic number 82 pipes through:

  • National building standards and codes,
  • National and provincial water quality guidelines, and
  • Municipal programs for water testing, filter installation and pipe replacement aid.

Standards and codes aim to ensure new construction does not introduce lead contamination risks into municipal water supply systems and that treated water does not contain chancy substances like pb.

Other guidelines and programs protect consumers from existing sources of lead contagion until the area is redeveloped or the homeowner or utility provider replaces components that contain lead.

Alberta has adopted the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines, which specify the maximum allowable concentration of atomic number 82 in drinking water (0.010mg/L). Drinking water that leaves the water treatment plant must attach to these guidelines, and is tested for compliance at monitoring points throughout the water supply network. Due to the size of most h2o supply systems, testing at every tap is impractical, yet municipal programs offering tap water testing for homes with suspected lead exposure. For instance, EPCOR (Edmonton's water utility service provider) provides annual notification to residents of homes that are known to have lead service lines and offers complimentary tap water testing for lead.

Since the issue with atomic number 82 is due largely to the presence of former piping, a key way of addressing the risk is to replace those pipes with newer ones that do non contain hazardous substances similar pb. This ways that it is essential for cities and homeowners to have good information almost their plumbing and h2o servicing.

At that place is no national database for homes that still take atomic number 82 pipes in Canada, but individual municipalities can oftentimes provide information on the condition of atomic number 82 pipage in their communities. For instance, the City of Calgary has identified 630 customers with lead service connections, and offers services such as water quality testing, instruction and a rebate for filtration devices. In areas where utilities exercise not provide this service, laboratory testing through public health offices is mostly bachelor to assistance make up one's mind if in that location is a gamble of lead being present in drinking h2o.

What can I practise about the possibility of atomic number 82 in tap h2o?

If yous are concerned about the possibility of atomic number 82 in your household tap water, there are several steps yous can have.

  • Determine whether your house has lead pipes
    • Contact your water utility provider or municipality and inquire for records of lead service lines in your community, or
    • Enlist a plumber or home inspector to identify whether pipes contain atomic number 82.
  • If your house has atomic number 82 pipes, have your tap h2o tested for lead concentration. In Alberta, at that place are three means to do this:
    • Contact your local water utility to see if they offering lead testing in homes with known atomic number 82 service lines,
    • Accommodate for laboratory testing through a local public health role. Visit the Alberta Health website to find service locations, or
    • Accommodate for laboratory testing through private, accredited laboratories (at your own expense).

Alberta Health recommends various actions depending on the results of the lead test and the age of those consuming the water. Please refer to the following certificate for detailed information.

"Lead and Drinking Water from Pb Service Lines (2013): Guidance package for H2o Utility Companies, Residents, Alberta Health Services, Healthcare Providers, and Laboratories" published by the Alberta Role of the Chief Medical Officer of Wellness.

Sources and additional information

Calgary H2o Services. (northward.d.). Lead monitoring in Calgary'southward water. Retrieved April 28, 2017, from http://www.calgary.ca/UEP/Water/Pages/Drinking-water/Water-quality/Lead-Service-Connections.aspx

Flint H2o Advisory Task Forcefulness. (2016). Concluding Report. From https://www.michigan.gov/documents/snyder/FWATF_FINAL_REPORT_21March2016_517805_7.pdf

Health Canada. (2009). Pb Information Package – Some Commonly Asked Questions About Lead and Human Health. Retrieved July five, 2017, from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/ecology-workplace-health/ecology-contaminants/lead/pb-data-package-some-commonly-asked-questions-well-nigh-lead-human-health.html

Wellness Canada. (2013). Final Man Health State of the Science Written report on Lead. From https://www.canada.ca/en/wellness-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/environmental-contaminants/final-human-wellness-state-science-report-pb.html

Prévost, Chiliad. (2013). Pb in Tap Water: Assessing Consumer Exposure and Identifying Corrective Actions, Canadian Water Network. PUBLISHED: 25 JANUARY 2018

Facts on fluoride

Facts nearly fluoride in tap water

Facts on Fluoride poster


What are the risks of not enough or too much fluoride in tap h2o?

Where does the concern virtually fluoride in water come from?

H2o with low fluoride concentrations has beneficial effects on teeth, preventing and controlling molar decay in children and adults. Withal, too much fluoride can cause agin wellness furnishings.

The major concern with calculation fluoride to drinking water is dental fluorosis, a condition that changes the advent of tooth enamel. Although a large body of scientific prove from credible sources exists on the human relationship between wellness and fluoride, stories of adverse wellness effects from media and interest groups accept caused widespread concern that is largely unsupported by scientific studies.

What is the science backside fluoride in drinking water and its potential health effects?

Fluoride occurs naturally in water as information technology leaches (dissolves into water) from rock formations, or is introduced via human activities like chemic, steel, glass and cement manufacturing.

Because fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral information technology is institute in low levels in most drinking water sources in Canada.

Depending on the water's natural levels of fluoride, treatment plants may either add fluoride to obtain benefits for oral wellness or treat the water to reduce the level of fluoride to come across federal and provincial requirements for safe drinking water.

The maximum allowable limit set out by Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines, to which Alberta adheres, is one.5 mg/Fifty. In some parts of the world, due to specific geologic formations fluoride levels can achieve 57 mg/L, resulting in elevated occurrence of skeletal and dental fluorosis.

Skeletal fluorosis occurs when fluoride accumulates in bones, causing a not-life-threatening disease in which bones increase in density and become brittle due to structural changes from improver o fluoride. Case studies of crippling skeletal fluorosis from North America are extremely rare, and all include equally a probable cause the long-term consumption of drinking water with elevated concentrations of fluoride (2.4-7.viii mg/Fifty), well above the maximum allowable concentration set out by Health Canada of 1.5 mg/L.

But children whose teeth are developing under the gums are at adventure of developing dental fluorosis and only at concentrations college than the Health Canada guideline limit of 1.5 mg/50.

A Wellness Canada review of available scientific discipline, supported by the 2007 Health Canada expert panel, concluded the amount of show behind other purported health effects, such as cancer, IQ deficiency, bone fractures, and developmental toxicity does not support a link between fluoride exposure at Canada's maximum allowable limit of one.5 mg/50 and any of these adverse effects.

What is being washed about fluoride in drinking water?

Municipal treatment plants that provide drinking water to consumers must follow the Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines, ensuring water leaving the plant does not exceed the fluoride limit.

Approximately 87% of the population relying on the Bow River or its tributaries for source water are serviced by Urban center of Calgary H2o Services. In a 1989 plebiscite, Calgarians voted in favour of adding fluoride to the city's drinking water. By 1991, fluoride was being added at a targeted level of one.0 mg/L. In 1998, the City and Alberta Health Services reviewed h2o fluoridation as a public policy, and a panel of five experts recommended a reduction in the level of fluoride to 0.seven mg/L. This change was adopted in 1999 following a 2nd plebiscite where Calgarians again voted 55% in favour of fluoridation. The City of Calgary discontinued the addition of fluoride to city drinking h2o as directed by Council on May 19, 2011.

What can I practice about fluoride in drinking h2o?

Municipality or utility service providers are bound past regulation to adhere to the maximum commanded concentration of fluoride in drinking h2o every bit outlined in the Drinking H2o Quality Guidelines. Some municipalities choose not to fluoridate their water at all, a decision based on either Quango vote or natural fluoride concentrations of the source h2o.

Contact your drinking water provider, utility services provider or local municipality to find out more nearly their fluoridation practices. Private drinking h2o sources, such every bit groundwater wells or springs, can be tested for fluoride concentrations through accredited laboratories to determine fluoride levels. Talk to your dentist or doctor if you are concerned about any of the potential health effects from fluoride in your water.

Sources and additional information

Patterson, S.K. (2010). A Review of Water Fluoridation. Alberta Health, Office of the Main Medical Officer of Health.

Dental Health Services Victoria. (n.d.). People without fluoride in their drinking water. Retrieved July 5, 2017, from https://www.dhsv.org.au/dental-advice/general-dental-communication/people-without-fluoride-in-their-drinking-h2o

Fawell, J., Bailey, Grand., Chilton, J., Dahi, Due east., Fewtrell, L., and Magara, Y. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking-h2o. Earth Health Organisation. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01783490

Fluoride in Calgary'due south water (n.d.) http://world wide web.calgary.ca/UEP/Water/Pages/Drinking-water/Fluoride.aspx

Health Canada. (2010). Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Fluoride. Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau, Healthy Environments and Consumer Prophylactic Branch, Wellness Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. Retrieved from http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/publications/healthy-living-vie-saine/water-paraquat-eau/alt/water-paraquat-eau-eng.pdf

National Wellness and Medical Research Council. (2007). A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of fluoridation part a: review methodology and results. PUBLISHED: 23 Jan 2018

Go the scoop on fecal coliforms

Facts about fecal coliform warnings in surface waters

Business organization

What are the public health risks associated with fecal coliforms?

Where does the concern nearly fecal coliforms come up from?

H2o quality advisories issued by the Province of Alberta, equally a mensurate to protect public health and safety, oft quote elevated levels of fecal coliforms equally the main reason to avoid contact with the h2o body for which the advisory has been issued.

Advisories warn h2o users not to swim in or drink the water due to a listing of potential negative effects from exposure to water-borne organisms, including fecal coliforms. Based on this information, which contains few details on the organisms themselves, it is a reasonable conclusion that fecal coliforms are harmful and any water with a fecal coliform alert poses a serious health risk.

That said, there is more than to the scientific discipline and people often raise questions to amend understand the risks like: How serious is the risk from coliforms? Are certain coliforms more than harmful than others? Does boiling water completely remove the risk? Is allE. coli toxic?

What is the science behind fecal coliform warnings?

Coliforms are a collection of leaner that includes fecal coliforms. They originate from animal digestive tracts, beast waste, and other natural and man-fabricated decomposition processes (e.thou., waste treatment). Fecal coliforms occur naturally in the lower digestive tract, but can be harmful under certain exposure situations.

Various types of coliforms are used equally indicators of microbial contamination in water in the following means:

  • Total coliform counts indicate how many bacteria within that collection are present in a sample, and are oft used as indicators of potential contamination with fecal waste product (sewage and manure) from either humans or animals. Sometimes full coliform counts are used as indicators of not-sewage pollution. Because they are the largest set of coliforms used to assess fecal contagion, they are more often than not reported as a validation of the analysis conducted.
  • Fecal coliforms are a sub-group of total coliforms found in the intestinal tract of warm blooded animals and their presence tin can indicate higher likelihood of contamination with sewage (fecal pollution). Despite greater potential as an indicator of sewage contamination, some members of the fecal coliform group take been plant in the absenteeism of contempo contamination.
  • Escherichia coli (Eastward. coli)  is one species of fecal coliform generally not found growing and reproducing outside an intestinal tract. Therefore, presence ofE. coli is used every bit an indicator of definite contamination with fecal affair. Waste from any warm-blooded creature can containE. coli, including cattle, poultry, beavers, deer, waterfowl and humans.
An image demonstrating the concentric rings of coliform classification

Effigy one: Relationship between full coliform group, fecal coliform group, and E. coli.

Adapted from Verhille, S. (2013) Agreement microbial indicators for drinking water assessment (Figure 1).

Not all fecal coliforms themselves are considered pathogenic, or disease-causing, however the routine methods for analysing coliforms cannot easily discern between harmful and benign species.

In cases where fecal contamination has acquired serious illness it is due to the presence of pathogenic strains of bacteria, such asE. coli 0157:H7, which was the culprit in a Walkerton tainted water case in Ontario.

The real issue is that water containing fecal coliforms may have been in contact with fecal affair, which increases the risk of it containing other bacteria, viruses and enteric protozoa.

These disease-causing organisms, such equally pathogenic strains ofE. coli,Salmonella,Giardia andCryptosporidium (meet Microorganisms and Pristine Headwaters ) and many other microbes are the real business organisation when there is potential or confirmed contamination of water with feces.

Since at that place is no single, common microbial indicator that tin correspond all potential pathogens, casting a broad internet for fecal coliforms provides an opportunity to flag h2o that is potentially contaminated and needs to be treated with additional processes earlier consumption.

What is being done nigh fecal coliforms andE. coli?

The Environmental Public Health Section of Alberta Health Services is responsible for sampling and inspecting public water supplies, as well as issuing h2o advisories when required.

This section checks specifically for Eastward. coli and total coliform bacteria in drinking water through the Provincial Laboratory of Public Health, Environmental Microbiology Services. Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) is responsible for monitoring h2o quality of lakes and reservoirs, and will result advisories for fecal coliforms through Alberta Health Services.

What can I do well-nigh fecal coliforms?

Checking with AHS for active Health Advisories is a uncomplicated way to decrease the risk of illness from contact with contaminated water. The advisories specify what activities are not recommended and for which water torso, and ever prioritize public health and safety.

Although the Government of Alberta monitors for fecal coliforms in lakes and reservoirs, there are too many for each one to be tested oftentimes enough to guarantee that no contagion exists. H2o quality information and sampling locations are stored in AEP's central Water Data Organization, which can be accessed through the Alberta Environment and Parks website.

Direct consumption of contaminated water used for drinking or cooking presents the highest potential risk to man wellness, therefore a good rule of thumb is to assume that all surface water is unsafe to drink without prior treatment. There are numerous handling methods, such as boiling, UV disinfection, chemical disinfection, and filtration, that are all useful for different types of pathogens and potential contaminants.

Sources and additional data

Alberta Health Services. (2016). Contaminated h2o advisory extended for Elbow River (within the city of Calgary). Retrieved May 5, 2017, Retrieved from http://world wide web.albertahealthservices.ca/news/Page13290.aspx

British Columbia Ground Water Association. (2007). Total, Fecal and E. coli Leaner in Groundwater. Water Stewardship Information Series (Feb). Retrieved from http://world wide web.env.gov.bc.ca/wsd/plan_protect_sustain/groundwater/library/ground_fact_sheets/pdfs/coliform(020715)_fin2.pdf

Environment Canada. (2001). Threats to Sources of Drinking Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Wellness in Canada. NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No. ane. Retrieved from http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/En40-237-1-2001E.pdf

Wellness Canada. (2008). What's in Your Well? – A Guide to Well H2o Treatment and Maintenance. Retrieved May 5, 2017, Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/wellness-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/water-quality/what-your-well-guide-well-water-handling-maintenance.html

Inside Walkerton: Canada'southward worst-e'er Due east. coli contamination – Canada – CBC News. (2010). Retrieved October 24, 2017, from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/inside-walkerton-canada-s-worst-ever-eastward-coli-contamination-1.887200

New York State Department of Wellness. (2012). Coliform Leaner in Drinking Water Supplies. Retrieved from https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/coliform_bacteria.htm

Verhille, S. (2013). Understanding microbial indicators for drinking h2o assessment: interpretation of exam results and public health significance. NCCEH Reviews, (Figure one), i–12. Retrieved from http://www.ncceh.ca/documents/guide/understanding-microbial-indicators-drinking-water-assessment-revised PUBLISHED: 20 January 2018

Would you drink this?

Facts nigh the pristine-looking headwaters

Poster image showing cartoon mountains and blue water with a drinking glass and the words would you drink this?


How can I tell if water that looks pristine, like mountain springs or streams, is safe to consume without handling?

Where did the business organisation nigh needing to treat water in the mountains come from?

At offset glance, crystal articulate water running through mountain streams looks pure and untainted by pollution. This is because the term "pollution" is frequently associated with industrial effluent, urban and agricultural runoff, and wastewater treatment effluent added to the river by man activities.

High in the headwaters of Alberta'southward rivers, one may think the absenteeism of human activities makes the water much safer to drink. Surface water high in the mountains may be far away from any meaning form of homo disturbance but information technology is still subject to contamination from wild fauna.

What is the science behind the prophylactic of drinking pristine-looking water?

The Authorities of Alberta puts information technology only: presume that any untreated surface water is unsafe to drinkable.

Parasites, including Giardia andCryptosporidium, which naturally occur in wildlife feces can easily end up in surface waters and be carried dandy distances, contaminating reaches of water well downstream of the initial contact. Giardiasis, usually referred to as beaver fever, is the infection resulting from ingestion ofGiardia cysts. Symptoms of giardiasis include diarrhoea, cramps, dehydration and fatigue for up to three weeks after consumption of the contaminated food or water.

Cryptosporidium oocysts are found in fecal matter from humans, livestock, and wildlife. The oocyst is hardy and environmentally stable, assuasive it to exist transmitted hands from a host organism, such as a wild brute, to humans through water. Direct contact of feces with a h2o source or introduction via runoff can contaminate lakes, rivers and streams no matter how far they are from homo sources of pollution. Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis resemble those of giardiasis, including diarrhoea, fever, and dehydration.

Both Giardia cysts andCryptosporidium oocysts are too small-scale to be seen with the naked eye. This means even though the water may look crystal clear it could be contaminated with these potentially harmful organisms.

What is being washed?

Creating awareness of the risks associated with drinking untreated surface water helps prevent accidental or intentional consumption of contaminated water in the wilderness.

The Canadian Drinking H2o Guidelines, which Alberta has adopted, specify removal of bothGiardia andCryptosporidium from drinking water along with a host of other microbial parameters that could cause illness.

What tin can I do about drinking from pristine headwaters?

Every bit the Regime of Alberta states: presume that whatever untreated surface h2o is unsafe to beverage.

At that place are methods for treating water upstream of large calibration treatment plants, merely the consumer is responsible for becoming familiar with which methods are constructive at removing each blazon of potentially harmful waterborne organism.

H2o can be treated to impaleGiardia cysts through boiling, and certain filtration methods will remove the cysts altogether. Interestingly, standard chlorination concentrations that will impale nearly other harmful organisms will not impaleGiardia cysts.

Filtration and disinfection with UV calorie-free are more effective at removingCryptosporidium oocysts than chlorine treatment, and boiling for at least one infinitesimal will also killCryptosporidium.

Campers, hikers and other backcountry users should advisedly research portable h2o handling options.

Sources and additional data

Alberta Environment and Parks. (2015). Surface Water Quality Programme. Retrieved May 11, 2017, from http://aep.alberta.ca/water/programs-and-services/surface-water-quality-program/

Alberta Environment and Parks. (2017). Alberta River Water Quality Index. Retrieved July 5, 2017, from http://aep.alberta.ca/water/reports-data/alberta-river-water-quality-index.aspx

Cooke, South., Mitchell, P., Roy, L., Gammie, L., Olson, M., Shepel, C., Chanasyk, D. (2002). Relationship Between Beef Production and Waterborne Parasites in the N Saskatchewan River Basin. Retrieved from http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$section/deptdocs.nsf/all/wat6400

Wellness Canada. (2007). Water Talk: Drinking water quality in Canada. Retrieved from http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/alt_formats/hecs-sesc/pdf/pubs/water-eau/drinkable-potab-eng.pdf

Health Canada. (2012). Guidelines for Canadian Drinking H2o Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Enteric Protozoa: Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Retrieved from http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/publications/healthy-living-vie-saine/water-enteric-virus-enterique-eau/alphabetize-eng.php

Academy of Alberta. (2014). Giardiasis in Alberta. What'south Bugging Wild Critters? Fact Sheet #37: Giardiasis. Retrieved from http://aep.alberta.ca/fish-wildlife/wildlife-diseases/documents/Giardiasis-Oct-2014.pdf


Source: https://albertawater.com/misconceptions/

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